Oktoberfest is Back!
September 9, 2021
Totem Pole Playhouse is thrilled to be celebrating Octoberfest on Saturday, September 25, 2021 from 1 pm–5 pm with a live German band, German food, and a dance contest! There will also be a Costume Shop Treasures sale at the rear of the theatre with endless possibilities! Vintage clothing, men & women’s clothes, shoes, potential Halloween costume pieces, purses, shawls. [Please note: We will not be accepting donations to our costume inventory at this time.]
Providing music will be the Blaskapelle Shippensburg German Band, organized in 1985 as a typical German brass band. They are all volunteers, dedicated to bringing good music, good fun, and Gemütlichkeit — a German word used to convey the idea of a state or feeling of warmth, friendliness, and good cheer! The band were the featured entertainment for the 200th Oktoberfest anniversary at the German Embassy in Washington, DC with great reviews. Playing mainly in the styles of Egerland, Bohemia, Bavaria, and Tirol, with an authentic sound of the best known German and Austrian Blasmusik bands that play regularly at various Oktoberfests. The Band play will play rolling beer-drinking songs, traditional melodies, and lively polkas and waltzes.
You’ll want to clap your hands, sing along, and dance to the traditional folk tunes presented at German festivals — music that lifts the soul and defines Gemütlichkeit!
No charge for admission!
Food & non-alcoholic beverages will be available for purchase. (Please, no BYOB.)
For more information call: 717-352-2164.